Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blog Cubed

[Note: Apparently the new blogger interface and I have issues and as a result, this was not published on July 1st which was my intent. Ooops.] Last year in my anniversary post I wrote: do blogs have “terrible twos”? Guess we’re going to find out. We now have our answer that yes, in deed, this particular blog endured the terrible twos characterized by lack of entries caused by me being flaky. I could promise to be more dedicated especially since public proclamations like that increase the chance of the thing actually happening. but, well, I'm not really sure why I haven't been posting meaning a solution is out of reach. And then there's my anger. Recently I have been getting in touch with my rage at the world. I suspect the next year of this blog is going to be..... interesting. I'll leave you with a question: What's problematic about name tags and online groups that require pictures to gain and maintain access?